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Creating the right ambience for your client


Have you visited other Aromatherapists for treatments to see how they have their treatment room set up, or made friends with a fellow Aromatherapists so you can swap ideas? It is a good field trip for you to see how other professionals work, not to mention, some 'me time’ too.

From the moment your client arrives for their treatment they should be treated and feel special.

As a therapist, you should:

• Personalise your approach – This could be anything from bespoke treatments or

aromatherapy blends for that client, remembering things they have told you, i.e., what is

their partners name? How many children or cats or dogs do they have? Anything they have

told you in conversation, right down key notes to remember at their next appointment. They

truly will feel special if you remember things about them. Make their blends special for

them, what are their favourite smells, what oils do they love or not, as the case may be,

write it all down on their consultation form so you remember. What parts of the treatment

do they love or are not so keen on, write that down too! Maybe they do not like their feet

being touched, or they prefer a pillow under their knees, or they do not like the music you

played last time, or the blend you made reminded them of a previous experience they had.

• Offer your clients exceptional quality that reflects the ethos of your professionalism and

treatment setting – Give it your all from the time they arrive to the time they leave.

Engage your client in a positive experience – the aroma, the treatment, the ambience, the

music, the warmth, and cosiness of your room.

• Meet your clients’ expectations of a luxurious and indulgent treatment. Make every

aromatherapy treatment feel amazing, and pure luxury. Use good quality products that feel

and smell amazing. Have lovely scents of aroma filling your room as they arrive.

N.B. If you are burning or diffusing aromatherapy oils in your room before your client arrives, make

sure the oils you pick are suitable for everyone and there are no precautions to those oils that could

affect any of your clients, or yourself for that matter.

Remember, if an oil has a contra-indication / precaution that it is not suitable for pregnancy, and you

are pregnant, you should not use those oils. You will be inhaling the aroma as well as absorbing it into

your skin into the bloodstream, through your hands when massaging.


Firstly, lets look at ambience and how to create this in your workspace.

Ambience means the atmosphere of your surroundings, how the place feels, and its aura.

Ambience is not the result of just one thing in an environment. It is a combination of all the elements

that are around you.

It means “the character and atmosphere of a place.”

An ambience could be:

o Soothing

o Calming

o Stimulating

o Energising

o Relaxing

o Social

o Hip

o Trendy

o Tropical

o Countryside

o City scene

o Zen

There are so many words to describe ambience.

What is your treatment room’s ambience like? Can you describe it? Do you use this in your promo?

Anything in your treatment room / salon environment can affect the ambience either in a positive or

a negative way and your clients can pick up on negative vibes, so it is important that you are in the

right frame of mind to work with your clients too and are able to leave any worries or concerns

outside of your work area.

Creating a positive ambience will require several elements working together in unison. Let us look at

some of these in more detail.

All the factors listed below will create the ambience for your clients, but you first must choose what

type of environment / ambience are you trying to create? i.e., chic, olde worldy, trendy, calming,

countryside feel, tropical / beach theme, zen like, Indian theme. What fits with your style and your

client’s style?


This will include:

  • the colour of your walls – are the colours bright and loud, or calming and relaxing.

  • your flooring – is it carpeted and luxurious, is it tiled or vinyl, or wooden.

  • the furniture – do you have wooden furniture, trendy.

  • visuals – pictures, ornaments, nick knacks, crystals, feng shui items, salt lamp.


• Is it soft and relaxing?

• Is there sufficient light for the treatments you carry out?

• Do you have dimmer switches? Or Lamps? Candles? Salt lamp? Lava lamp?


• This is one of the most noticeable aspects a client will first detect on arrival.

• What type of music do you play? Calming, tribal, pan pipes, water effect.

• Do you have any other sensory sounds in your room? A water feature, white noise, the

sound of a fire burning.

• Ensure you keep external noise levels to a minimum where possible.


• The aroma can have a powerful impact on emotional and physical state, so it is important to

choose the right aromas.

• Choosing the right essential oils to burn, or incense sticks. One of my favourite oils to burn in

my treatment room was Sage and Lavender. These created a relaxing aroma and was also

grounding and cleansing for my room too.


• Do you have air conditioning? Do you regularly air your room out with fresh air? This is most

important when using aromatherapy oils. You do not want a stale oils smell filling your


• Ensure you carry out regular maintenance of any electric items.

• Keep the air in your room fresh from strong odours.

• Always comply with local regulations, see the health and safety acts module.


• Make sure your treatment room is comfortable and warm.

Treatment Essentials

• This includes gowns, towels, blankets, pillows, cushions, bolsters.

• These should all be freshly laundered.

• Use matching colours to your décor.

• You could use an aromatherapy eye pillow.

• You could also use a heated blanket for your couch.

I hope this has given you some ideas, and thank you for reading :-)

Karen xx

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