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We won an award - The British hair & beauty awards 2021

🏆We won an award🏆

I have never gone for an award before, my answer was always, why do i need to?

I've always been someone who likes to work behind the scenes.

But the past year, being a very 'different' year for everyone, on a positive note, gave me time and space to work on my business and myself.

My hubster persuaded me to enter into the British hair & beauty awards for our training academy - Holistic Therapies Training Academy.

After much protesting, he persuaded me its time to shine and to push myself out of my comfort zone.

It was time to step out and reap the rewards of my years of blood, sweat and tears; of lots of trials and errors in building my business from the ground upwards; of sleepless nights.

My little training business was born in 2007, as just me, myself & I, i have run the training from my home, my spa, my treatment room, a cabin in my garden, and now a training centre, alongside my hubsters martial arts business. We have our very own training hub.

When people said how mad i was in 2003 to start a new career in the beauty industry with 2 small children, and then proceed with years (and years) of study, i wanted to prove them wrong.

The truth is, i have never stopped studying, and i have never stopped working on my business.

Today we have a total of 15 tutors and 8 locations.

I feel super proud. Quite emotional, if i am honest.

It hasn't been easy, and there have been times when i have wanted to give up in the past. It's actually been my hubster and some of my beautiful friends who have held me up and pushed me to keep going. I thank them all.

You always need someone to turn to, someone to beat out those moments of doubt, anxiety and fear, and boy have i had plenty of those.

One of my favourite sayings is 'feel the fear and do it anyway'

I cannot guess how many students i have taught over the years, i so wish i had kept a tally, but when i started out i really did not have a grand plan of how i saw myself in the future.

If you are still reading this far, then thank you 💕

Thank you for reading

Karen xx

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